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The whole ordeal is a phenomenon of sorts in the first place. And Nas has used his fame to share his personal experience with his sexuality, telling King “We still have a long way to go.” His public image as a rainbow-colored cowboy radiates through even the darkest closets, inspiring millions of people to be themselves.

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Indeed, “Old Town Road” was the first song to remain at the top spot on the Billboard charts for a record-breaking 19 consecutive weeks. On Tuesday, CBS News’ Gayle King interviewed Lil Nas X to reflect on his wild ride from a $20 recording session to stardom, as his hit song “Old Town Road,” featuring Billy Ray Cyrus-with its tongue-in-cheek lyrics and blatant oddity-and his personal brand have left an indelible impact on the music industry. At least, that’s true in the case of rapper Lil Nas X. These days, a few dollars and an ounce of courage can forge stars.

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